They can wear brown and green colour clothes often and use these colours in bedsheets and pillow covers. Number 7 in Numerology: Lucky Colour The lucky colour for number 7 people is brown and green and they are advised not to use black colour as this is not favourable for them. They can become a good preacher, who can spread awareness about religion. People can get into meditation and yog and they can teach other people also. In Gematria numerology the number is 6+5+6, which equals 17, which reduces to 8. In Pythagorean numerology, the number is 1+9+8, which equals 18, which reduces to 9. The name Hancock has five consonants, which total 3. Also hidden within a name is the Personality number, which is the number of the total of all the consonants in the name. The name John has three consonants with a combined numerology value of 5. 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 1 15 (1 + 5) Personality Number 6 Just like your Life Path Number, you can reduce your Personality Number to one or two digits, but only if those two-digit numbers are. The name Thomas has four consonants with the values of 2, 8, 4, and 1, which totals 15. Number 7 in Numerology: Career People, who are associated with number 7 can become a good healer, teacher, counsellor and spiritual Guru. Always place the numbers for the Personality below the name in a chart. This number is considered as an unfortunate number as the natives have to face many big difficulties in life. If your last digit is 0, you are a person who is adaptive and intelligent. Their personality keeps on changing and sometimes its difficult to analyse their nature. According to both Zero numerology and I Ching numerology, these numbers are associated with the Metal element. They have an anxiety issues all the time as they easily catch another person's energy. Number 7 in Numerology: Negative Personality Trait and Characteristics The natives belong this number are Moody (having mood swings). These people are not at all greedy as they are far away from the materialistic world. Number 4 (Uranus): People born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 21st are those that belong to Number 4. They are considered as the best healers and have good intuitive power. Numerology: How Your Birth Date Defines Your Personality Numerology and Birth Date. These people are always anxious to know about the future. In a Tarot card deck, the number 4 card is The Emperor.

Ketu is friendly with Rahu and Mercury and Ketu is enemy with Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars. Personality traits for number 4: Strong Traditional Practical Hard worker Loyal Organized Strict Patient Dependable The Number 4 in Tarot & Astrology.